Load metabolite data from three separate files
Load metabolite data from three separate files (import files using `fread` from data.table).
data_path = NULL,
feature_path = NULL,
sample_path = NULL,
featureID = "CHEM_ID",
- data_path
Path to the metabolite measurements (peak area data or normalized data, sample [row] * feature [column])
- feature_path
Path to the metabolite annotation (chemical annotation)
- sample_path
Path to the sample annotation (sample meta data)
- featureID
a character of the metabolite ID column (in feature file and the column names of data file), default: CHEM_ID (provided from Metabolon file)
- sampleID
a character of the sample ID column (in sample file and the first column of data file), default: PARENT_SAMPLE_NAME (provided from Metabolon file).